Adult Enrichment Courses
Afterschool Clubs
Drivers Education
K-5 Afterschool Classes
Speaker Series
Youth Enrichment Courses
Driver’s Education Procedures for Students
Earn your license and become a safe, secure driver with the BOCES Driver’s Education course. Our goal is to offer a program that develops a conscientious, efficient, safe driver who understands the skills and behaviors required for safely operating a vehicle.
** Students who qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch at SCSD #1 can receive a scholarship for the cost of the BOCES fee.
After steps 1-4 above have been completed, Mr. Hartwig or Mr. Flint, Sublette BOCES driving instructors, will call you to schedule the required six (6) hours of driving time. The instructor will work to find driving hours to fit within your schedule, to the extent possible.
Driving Expectations:
** If, after the first driving session or during any successive driving session, for any reason the instructor feels that continuing the course would place you, the instructor, or the general public at risk, you will be removed from the program.
** Students who do not successfully meet the standards required by the course will not receive a completion certificate. If these students still wish to obtain a Wyoming Driver’s License, they will be required to practice with a parent or legal guardian to obtain the necessary hours and skills to complete the program.
After successful completion of all the requirements listed above, students will then be presented with their Driver’s Education certificate.
Ken Hartwig
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